History of the Foundation
The Fordney Foundation is a nonprofit foundation for dance sport that was established in May, 2002. It was created because it adds many positive dimensions to children’s lives. It gets them to eat right, exercise, work out, and look good. It helps them develop rhythm, appreciate music, and increase their physical strength. It helps them become equal partners in performance thereby enhancing social development.
Fordney Foundation Brochure

Director, Founder, Author & Educator
The Fordney Foundation was founded by Marilyn Takahashi Fordney. Marilyn is a Japanese-American who began taking ballet and tap dancing at the age of 12. She continued taking lessons, tried out at auditions, and joined a summer dance troupe. Her career then headed towards the medical assisting field where she worked, became an instructor, and subsequently wrote textbooks. Her books have won four national awards and continue to be used to train people for medical insurance billing and coding and administrative medical assisting jobs. Subsequently, she began to competitively dance in ballroom competitions both International and American styles and worked up to the silver level. In May, 2002 she established the Fordney Foundation for DanceSport for amateur youths ages 6 to 25.
